General -
Museum of the Frontier, General Store-- 
Alpine, Texas was established prior to 1882. It is the current seat of Brewster
County, a vast mountainous area of 5,935 square miles,
the largest county in Texas. (As
comparison, this single county is larger than that of Connecticut.)
Today, Alpine is a major retail center and shipping point for a huge ranching area; headquarters for mining companies and home of Sul
Ross State University.
The climate and location make this town a very
popular vacation area. Visitors enjoy golfing, mountain climbing , horseback
riding, rock and mineral collecting, swimming, and camping amid spectacular vistas.
During seasons, hunters take mule and white-tailed deer, pronghorn
antelope, javelina, and upland game birds.
Big Bend in Alpine. Apache Trading Post
Largest collection of topographical, geological, and raised relief
maps of Big Bend region. Information and books on Marfa Mystery Lights . West Texas
handicrafts, gemstone jewelry, shells, fossils, rocks, minerals, imports, and field and
shop equipment. Open Mon. - Sat., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. At foothills of Twin Peaks mountain
range on U.S. 90 west of town. (915)837-5149.
Big Bend National Park
Approximately 8 miles south of Alpine on Texas 118.
Scenic Drives
Texas 118 north to Fort Davis and 29 miles beyond through beautiful
Davis Mountains scenery. Texas 118 south toward Big Bend National Park spans both desert
and mountain landscapes of primitive grandeur. U.S. 67 west to Marfa offers more views of
mountain majesty.
Sul Ross State University Museum of the Big Bend -
Showcases history of the area in panels, dioramas and paintings;
displays of stagecoach, buggies, reconstructed general store, and blacksmith shop. On
campus. Open Tues. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sun. 1 - 5 p.m. Free admissions. 915/837-8143.
Woodward Agate Ranch-
Source of famed Texas agates - red plume, pom-pom, and
a rainbow of other types - colorful jasper, labradorite feldspar, calcite, precious opal,
and other minerals. Hunt and collect on over 3,000 acres; guide service available (fee).
Rough agate 50 cents per pound; grading help by ranch experts. Lapidary shop. Open year
round; 18 miles south of Alpine on Texas 118. (915)364-2271. |