ANSON Population- 2,790 Altitude- 1,750


Anson is the Seat of Jones County and was founded in 1881. Anson’s name comes from Dr. Anson Jones, who was the last president of the Republic of Texas. This area is one of the richest farming areas in all of Texas, cotton production can be observed from field to gin. Other primary crops include wheat, sorghum, hay, and oats. Cattle, oil, and gas extraction, and gypsum products add to the economy.

Each December since 1885, The Cowboys' Christmas Ball is held in Pioneer Hall. Popularized by Michael Martin Murphey's musical rendition of the "The Cowboys' Christmas Ball," a poem honoring ranch men of Texas written in 1890 by William Lawrence (Larry) Chittenden after attending one of the balls.

For information about the ball, or on restaurants and accommodations, contact the Anson Chamber of Commerce at 1132 West Court Plaza, or call (915)823-3259,

Anson Jones Museum-

Located Inside the historic church building; artifacts and exhibits include miniature reproduction of town square as it existed in 1904, a desk and chair used by Dr. Anson Jones in his medical practice, and other local memorabilia. Open Wed. - Sun. 2 - 4:30 p.m.; closed holidays. 1302 Avenue K. (915)823-3683.

Opera House-

Built in 1907 by Albert W. Johnson; This facility is considered by many to be the "fanciest" showplace between Fort Worth and El Paso. The Anson Opera House once hosted musical and dramatic productions, public and civic activities, silent and talking movies, and even wrestling and bare-fist fighting events until the 1930s. Today it is used for stage productions and a country-Western musical usually the third Saturday of the month. Located on the north side of Town Square. Call (915)823-3542 for a schedule.



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This page was last updated on 08/13/2004 16:14:52