General -
Seat of Kerr County, one of state's most popular health and
recreation centers. Area believed by many to have most ideal climate in the
nation. More than two dozen boys' and girls' camps, scores of hotels, motels,
dude ranches and religious encampments attract thousands annually. Rugged
cedar and live oak-covered hills, picturesque green valleys and beautiful
streams edged by towering cypress. White-tailed deer so numerous that motorists
are cautioned to be on the alert for them, especially at night.
Capt. Charles A. Schreiner, born in Riguewihr, France, was early, prominent
Kerrville settler. He served with the Confederacy and as a Texas Ranger;
established general merchandising business in Kerrville, 1869. The Charles
Schreiner Co. owned more than 600,000 acres of land by 1900, extending some
80 miles Northwest to Menard. Among Schreiner's philanthropies was establishment
of Schreiner Institute (now Schreiner College).
Industries include Mooney Aircraft, James Avery Silversmith.
Major annual event are Texas State Arts & Crafts Fair, Memorial Day weekend,
provides opportunity to see Works of more than 200 of Texas' finest artists
and craftsmen; Texas Mohair Festival in January, and EAA Fly- In and Air
Show in October. Music festivals featuring folk and Country/Western stars
are usually held On Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends at Quiet Valley Ranch
south of Kerrville.
Cowboy Artists of America Museum
Splendid showcase for contemporary cowboy artists including works by Joe
Beeler, James Boren, Robert Duncan, Melvin Warren and others; permanent and
rotating collections; special exhibitions; workshops by artists in residence;
library, auditorium and museum store. Open Tues. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.,
Sun. 1 - 5 p.m. Also Mon. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. in June - Aug. 1550 Bandera Hwy.
(Texas 173) south of town. Admission.
Texas Heritage Music Museum
Memorabilia of Texas musicians. Also has CDs, cassettes, and albums of Texas
musicians on consignment. Monthly song writer showcase features local writers
and musicians performing original music. Major Sponsor of Jimmie Rogers Jubilee
held in Sept. Open Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat., Sun. noon - 5 p.m.
For information and schedules, call 210/895-4442. At Inn of the Hills, 1001
Junction Hwy., Suite F.
Kerrville State Park