Pittsburg  Pop. 4,304 Alt. 398


Seat of Camp County, a heavily timbered area, also a commercial center for farming, poultry and livestock. Large peach production (one of top ten peach-producing counties in state), plus blueberries and blackberries, with some growers offering pick-your-own opportunities. Vintage grocery, hardware, and drug stores and antique shops.

Ezekiel Airship

In 1902 an inspired preacher-inventor built an airship based on description in Biblical book of Ezekiel. Said to have flown briefly, the machine was destroyed in a rail accident on way to St. Louis World's Fair, 1904. Historical marker at original building site, Pittsburg Foundry, Fulton St. Full-size replica of airship is Displayed in downtown restaurant. (View during business hours; food purchase not required.)

Northeast Texas Rural Heritage Center & Museum

Housed in old Cotton Belt Railroad depot. Exhibits include artifacts, photos and documents from 1854 when town established. Also antique farm equipment and other memorabilia. Open Thurs. - Sat. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Train Depot on Marshall St. (903)856-0463



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